Sunday, February 11, 2007


Here is my contribution to the thousands -- millions? -- of knitting blogs out there. But, what better way, really, to keep track of knitting life. I suppose I could have a beautiful leather bound journal wherein I thoughtfully lay out the creative process of my fibre art life. I aspire to this, just as as a child I aspired to cataloguing all my books with the dewy decimal system (anyone remember flipping through file cards at the library?). I still have a few old books with non-sensical combinations of numbers and letters. Ahhhhhh.

In any case, I'm coming to a point of acceptance: I am cyberspace dependent. I love blogs. I love the idea of connecting to people who one would never ordinarily cross paths with, although I am happy with the friends I have made through "ordinary paths". (for an interesting discussion on an -- in my opinion assinine -- argument about the nature of bloggers, particularly political bloggers, check out the debate raging around Michael Keren, a professor at the University of Calgary. It is worth noting that I had him during my undergraduate degree and in class he informed me that I was incorrect in my assertions that slavery existed in Canada; when I mentioned Canadian's collective moral and economic debt to our aboriginal peoples he disagreed and asserted that Canada's early settlers, and Canadians since, treated aboriginal peoples "very well." Hmmm, looks like I am a lonely, uninformed, bleeding-heart lefty according Mr. Keren.

Anyhoo, I switched from Wordpress to GoogleBlogger, and not sure how I feel about it. I can't seem to load pictures into the template, only into posts. If anyone happens to read this early post (though it seems to take quite a while for readers to come), any suggestions? Creating links seems to be a pain as well, since GoogleBlogger doesn't work properly with Safari and it appears I am going to have to create all my links manually. I do not want to do this. Perhaps I will have to change back to Wordpress. I only changed because GoogleBlogger seems to get a lot of traffic, particularly knitting traffic.

Oh well. Bica says "alpaca makes birds and humans feel better!" (even feel better about blog posting glitches. That alpaca is powerful stuff!)

1 comment:

granolagirl said...

I wish I was as small as your lovely pet so I could afford enough alpaca to surround myself in it. I agree that it makes humans feel so much better...