Monday, February 26, 2007

Slow and not so steady

Not much progress on Venezia's second sleeve.

I have a problem: once I have knit one side of something, or one of a pair of something, I'm not so interested in the second half. But, I will get it done. Apart from my aversion to second sides/part of a pair, I also have a dislike for unfinished objects.

Unfortunately, that means I must finish Venezia and a pair of socks before I start this:

And, come to think of it, I would also really like to knit all these as well:

All from spring Interweave Knits. I love this issue -- it is full of very wearable items, I think.

This blogging thing, it is strange. I'm guessing everyone who blogs thinks about why it is they blog. The ease of use for tracking progress on UFO's is great. The fact that I have been typing so long I don't think that I can handwrite coherently enough for a journal is another. The ability to collate (colate?) information and links into one coherent web-based file is also appealing.

Why do other people blog?

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