Friday, March 2, 2007

Babies and socks and birds, oh my...

Not much progress on the Venezia, and last night was the last class :-( However, I have finished the first and am half way through the second of these:

It's a fairly generic toe-up pattern in Lang Jawoll on 2.5mm bamboo needles. I love, love, love the reinforcing yarn that comes with it. I bought the yarn at Birch Hill Yarns in Calgary. I don't think they have a website, but they are listed in the phone book. If I remember correctly, when I went they had their yarn organized by colour--different, but kind of fun.

The pattern on the socks is pretty blase. I wanted to be able to knit in transit, or while watching movies, so all stocking stitch until the ribbing at the top. I would also either use smaller needles or metal needles (I knit more tightly on them) next time. The fabric overall is a bit loose, but it fine where I used the reinforcing yarn. I'd really like to find a shoppe that sells reinforcing yarn on its own in a range of colours. Elann has some, but only in black; I don't know if they only carry black or just happen to be out of other colours at the moment.

Dana, who ran the Venezia class, mentioned that a woman named Judy Gibson has a great toe-up heal the mimics a top-down heal. I've yet to google this but I plan on it. I really like the look of a fully shaped heel, and thought I've yet to knit and wear a top-down sock, I was thinking of trying it soon. Maybe with this new heel I won't have to. I like that with toe-up I don't have to worry about yarn requirements.

On more of parrot than knitting side, say hello to my best friend's baby, with, of course, a bird on his head.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful bird, and the baby is pretty cute too! He must have a foxy mom. I love your site, thanks for sharing. Shannon